Ready for a fresh start?

Are you feeling stuck and overwhelmed, unsure how to move forward?

 Through customized Coaching Sessions with Natty,

you will learn valuable skills to help you get unstuck, move forward,

and cultivate a meaningful and peace-filled life.

Our approach

Your journey begins by identifying the areas where you feel stuck, overwhelmed, in pain, or are seeking to change and grow.

Natty listens with compassion to your heart and uses an array of valuable tools and processes to specifically work with you as you learn skills to help you grow and move forward in these important areas of your life.

Below are 4 ways to engage and grow in either 1:1 or group environments.

Discover the one that best suits your goals today.

Through the 1:1 Coaching process, you can create a plan for your important growth journey. With support and accountability, you can successfully take the steps to get from where you are now to where you want to be.

We all need someone to really listen to us at different points on our journey. Having a safe space to tell your story, share your pain, and feel heard and understood, is so valuable and a vital part of your healing journey.

The Enneagram is a powerful tool for transformational growth work. It helps us see ourselves with clarity by growing our self-awareness and helping us develop more compassion for ourselves and others. It aligns with the Gospel message that Jesus wants us to know about our Identity in Him and shows us a clear path for our personal and spiritual growth and for our transformation.

Taking a WomenSkills Class will open your eyes, deepen your awareness, and teach you tools to navigate through important areas of your life and begin to thrive. Learn how to experience more of God’s peace and wholeness Spiritually, Emotionally, Mentally, Relationally and Physically.

Let’s start with a complimentary 15 minute conversation to make sure we are a good fit.


Hi there, I’m Natty

If you are feeling stuck or struggling in an area of pain in your life, I can help guide you on your journey toward clearing those obstacles, finding healing, and restoring peace in your life. My own painful journey has led me to discover and learn powerful tools for healing, growth and transformation. 

I have had the honor and privilege of walking alongside many women over the last 30 years to help them move forward in their lives with more clarity and peace.

 What clients are saying…

Resources to Nourish your Soul

Cognitive Distortions List- Uncover 12 Unhealthy Thinking Patterns

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Using the Enneagram to Uncover your Motives

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Listening to Spiritual Meditations

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Get started with Natty, today.