
Join the healing journey.

 Equipping Women for healthy growth, emotional strength and inner peace.

 Are you disillusioned with areas of your life and/or relationships?

Are your ‘normal’ ways of doing life and relating causing you to feel disheartened and unsatisfied?

Are you longing for a better way forward? 

We all need new tools for the journey.

Some of our old coping mechanisms no longer serve us.

Do you know pain from your past might be getting in your way now?

Are you ready for a journey of:

  • Learning valuable life-changing tools

  • Becoming the person God created you to be

  • Experiencing more of God’s peace and wholeness in these important areas of your life: Spiritually, Emotionally, Mentally, Relationally and Physically?

Taking a WomenSkills Class will open your eyes, deepen your awareness, and teach you tools to navigate these areas and begin to thrive. You will learn tools such as The Pain & Peace Cycle, and Renewing The Mind techniques so that you can be equipped with what you need for the journey ahead to live a more peace-filled and hope-filled life.

WomenSkills Classes are done in sequential order:

WomenSkills 1 - Emotional Health and Wellbeing

Women Skills 2.1 - Renewing The Mind

WomenSkills 2.2 - Identity

WomenSkills 3 - Becoming 

“See I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?

I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.”

Isaiah 43:19

WomenSkills Classes


WomenSkills 1 - Healing Journey

This is a 12 to 15 week comprehensive and Christ-centered workshop to encourage women to journey through understanding their identity in Jesus Christ. We explore God's Truth, unpack our view of ourselves, and learn how to renew the mind in order to become a more whole person. Some of the topics addressed are family of origin patterns and the process of healing through forgiveness and repair.

WomenSkills 2.1 - Renewing the Mind

(Requires Pre-requisite: Women’s Skills I).

This 8 week workshop will unpack the basic needs and desires of every human heart based on God given nutrients that are essential for us to grow. Utilizing the “Iceberg Model”, we will navigate God’s recipe for a healthy foundation for the relationships in our lives. This workshop invites us into a process of growth and encourages character development based on God’s Truth.


WomenSkills 2.2 - Identity

(Requires Pre-requisite: Women’s Skills I).

This 8-week workshop will help you create an internal map to navigate out of the destructive thoughts and feelings that have been plaguing you from your early years into a place of inner peace that is birthed out of a knowledge of God's TRUTH.


WomenSkills 3 - Becoming

(Requires Pre-requisite: Women’s Skills I & Renewing the Mind ll & Identity ll).

This 8-week workshop will help us create new core beliefs based on God's Truth and will transform our lives when implemented. And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God. Romans 12:2

Resting In Our New Identity - Rest is ours for the taking. After all, we are sons and daughters of the Most High! When we rest in our identity in Christ, we can then take a new action and glorify God.

Build Your Skills Together


Natty walks through all levels of the WomanSkills curriculum with groups on an ongoing basis. These sessions are 12 to 15 week comprehensive and Christ-centered workshops to encourage women to journey through understanding their identity in Jesus Christ. We explore God's Truth, unpack our view of ourselves, and learn how to renew the mind in order to become a more whole person. Some of the topics addressed are family of origin patterns and the process of healing through forgiveness and repair. Jump in and get working toward your path to healing and wholeness.

“Over a year ago, I began an arduous journey with Natty as my WomenSkills leader. At the time, I was 50 years old and worn down by the fear and shame I had carried with me for so many years. Natty is an incredible woman of God who demonstrates God’s tender love each time our group meets. I have also asked Natty to counsel me individually, and she does so with God’s wisdom and discernment. She is an extraordinary WomenSkills leader and counselor.” 

Lisa R., Cherished Daughter of God

“As I grew in my faith, faithful to the word and active in church, I found that anxiety and fear was still something that never completely fell away. I remember telling Natty that anger had become something I did not want in my life. She came alongside me and invited me into her WomenSkills class and became my Life coach. Her teaching style was just what I needed. She is loving, gentle and truthful with an amazing gift and ability to know when the Holy Spirit is moving in a group of women.

I found her resources and tools encouraging and life-changing, and I love that they all circle around biblical principles.”

Rene F., Cherished Daughter of God

Get on the journey toward renewing your mind and soul.

Grow together.