Emotions & Feelings Word List
King Design King Design

Emotions & Feelings Word List

Practicing compassionate self-care is so important for our Emotional Health.

We are seeing a rise in people experiencing heightened emotions across the whole range of feelings. Things like: more irritability, higher sensitivity, shorter fuses, increased anxiety and depression, and less compassion toward others and toward ourselves.

Maybe you are feeling that way too.

Prioritizing our Emotional Health and practicing compassionate self-care can be beneficial both individually and collectively. One BIG step is to build self-awareness around our emotions. By taking a moment to check in with yourself.

  1. Place your hand over your heart

  2. Take a deep breath in and out

  3. Can you identify and name two emotions that you are feeling?

    Just notice what comes up, without judgment. Acknowledge those feelings with compassion.

    Download my free “Emotions and Feelings Vocabulary List” here to help you practice identifying your emotions.

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The Bummer Lamb
King Design King Design

The Bummer Lamb

The overarching theme of the Bible is God’s great rescue and redemption plan for mankind.

Every once in a while, a ewe will give birth to a lamb and reject it. These lambs are called “Bummer Lambs”. So many of us are bummer lambs, rejected and broken and crushed in spirit. Our hearts and our souls have been bruised by the rejection of those we once thought loved and cared for us. But Jesus, the Good Shepherd, came for you. Because you matter to God. It doesn’t matter who you are or what you have done or what kind of broken past you may have, you are dearly loved by the Good Shepherd, whose name is Jesus.

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10 Key Assessments for Self Care
King Design King Design

10 Key Assessments for Self Care

Building and maintaining healthy self-care practices is essential for our overall health and wellbeing, and for building resilience and strength. Taking good care of yourself is vitally important.

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Languishing Article NYT
King Design King Design

Languishing Article NYT

There’s a Name for the Blah You’re Feeling: It’s Called Languishing.

The neglected middle child of mental health can dull your motivation and focus — and it may be the dominant emotion of 2021.

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Habits Tracker
King Design King Design

Habits Tracker

The Habits Tracker is a visual tool that reminds and encourages you to take action on the habits you want to develop or continue with.

It provides immediate evidence that you have completed your habit.

It is a visual sign that you are making progress.

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Enneagram - 9 Types Overview
King Design King Design

Enneagram - 9 Types Overview

What is The Enneagram? The Enneagram is a powerful tool for personal and spiritual growth and transformation. It helps you to see yourself with amazing clarity by growing your self-awareness. You can gain a deeper understanding of who you are and how wonderfully God has made you. It looks at your motivations, not your behaviour, allowing you to become aware of the reasons behind why you do the things you do. In the process, it helps you develop more understanding and compassion toward yourself and others. The insights of the Enneagram provide you with a pathway for your personal and spiritual growth journey.

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Natty’s Audio Meditations
King Design King Design

Natty’s Audio Meditations

Simple Steps to Listening Prayer Practice. Listen to Calm

Natty speaks peace into your mind and soul as you focus on her voice.

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