Enneagram Workshops

Workshops to nourish and grow your heart, mind and soul.


Enneagram Workshops

The Enneagram is a powerful tool for transformational growth work. It helps us see ourselves with clarity by growing our self-awareness and helping us develop more compassion for ourselves and others. It aligns with the Gospel message that Jesus wants us to know about our Identity in Him as His beloved daughters and shows us a clear path for our spiritual growth and transformation. 

“This work is done in the sacred space of your own personal time with the Lord, and is greatly enriched through group work in a like minded community”.

I like to call it “Hard and Holy Work”.

Enneagram 1 - Introduction to The Enneagram

Exploring & Knowing Your Number 

Explore and learn about each of the 9 Enneagram types, and discover your Enneagram number. See yourself with insightful clarity, and grow in compassion for yourself and others.


Enneagram 2 - Growing Healthy Relationships

Navigating our Differences with Compassion & Understanding

Once you know your number, discover ways to build and maintain meaningful relationships while navigating our differences. With more compassion and understanding.


“See if there is any path of pain I’m walking on and lead me back to your glorious, everlasting way - the path that brings me back to you.”

— Psalm 139 : 24 TPT

Exploring Your Enneagram Number

Understanding why you do the things you do, and developing self-compassion.


Do you ever ask yourself some of these questions?

  • Who am I?

  • Why do I do the things I do? 

  • Why do I keep repeating those self-defeating patterns?

  • What are my motivations?

  • How do I grow and transform to become more like Jesus?

  • How do I grow and become the best version of who God created me to be?

  • How can I develop more self-compassion and more compassion toward others?

    If so, let’s explore what the Enneagram can teach us about how we are each crafted by God

Why the Enneagram?

The Enneagram explores our heart questions like “Who am I?” and “What motivates me?”.

Have you ever wondered why you do the things you do? And why you keep doing them, even when you know they are no longer helpful?

We all ask ourselves these questions at a certain point in life.

The Enneagram is a helpful Psycho/Spiritual tool that explores these questions and so much more.  It helps us grow in our awareness, understand ourselves better, develop more self-compassion and compassion toward others. And provides us with a map along with suggestions to help guide us on our important growth journey toward becoming more of the person God created us to be, our healthiest, best and truest self. 

“You formed my innermost being, shaping my delicate inside and my intricate outside, and wove them all together in my mother’s womb. I thank you for making me so mysteriously complex!

Everything you do is marvelously breathtaking. It simply amazes me to think about it!

How thoroughly you know me, Lord.”

-Psalm 139:13

Get on the journey toward renewing your mind and soul.

Grow together.