Are you feeling stuck in crucial areas of your life?

Gain clarity and find peace as you learn life-changing skills to navigate your healing journey toward wholeness.

 Spiritual & Life Coaching and Pastoral Counseling

Customized coaching sessions with Natty.

Tailored to your unique needs, goals and desires. Let’s seek God’s direction and work together to navigate your healing journey toward a life of peace, vitality and wholeness.

Throughout our sessions, we will work together to help you gain new awareness and discover ways you can grow in the following areas:

  • Identify areas in your life where you are feeling stuck, discover where they have come from, and use tools and processes to help you get unstuck and move forward.

  • Learn tools to create new healthy thoughts and renew your mind.

  • Develop healthy daily practices that are vital for your important healing journey.

  • Understand how your thoughts and beliefs have an impact on your choices and the decisions you make. Who is driving the bus?

  • Discover how you can become emotionally regulated through a valuable 4 step process.


Spiritual & Life Coaching

Where Do You Want To Go? 

How can I get unstuck, create a meaningful life and start moving forward? We all need a map and some goals to support us on our growth journey. Otherwise, we won’t know where we are going or the steps needed to get there. Where do you want to go? What do you want to do? How will you get there? What obstacles are getting in your way?  What is God stirring in your heart to do in this next season of the journey of your life? 

Through the 1:1 Coaching process, you can create a plan for this important growth journey. By inviting the direction of the Holy Spirit, reading God’s Word, and Praying, we will draw out a map/plan for your journey, discover your Values, determine your steps and goals, set S.M.A.R.T. goals, and take those courageous action steps. With support and accountability, you can successfully take the steps to get from where you are now to where you want to be.

“The steps of a good and righteous man are directed and established by the LORD, And He delights in his way and blesses his path.” Psalm 37: 23 AMP

“For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11 NIV

Click below to get started and schedule your free 15-minute Spiritual & Life Coaching Consultation appointment.


Pastoral Counseling - Listening with Compassion 

“Who Am I?” and “Who Do You Want To Be”?  

Have you been through, or are you going through something painful in your life? Maybe it’s bringing up feelings of hurt, or grief or loss? 

We all need someone to really listen to us at different points on our journey. Especially when we’ve been through something hard. Having a safe space to tell your story, share your pain, and feel heard and understood, is so valuable and a vital part of your healing journey. 

When we face our pain, we often begin to ask ourselves “Who Am I?  The answer is, “You are a Beloved Daughter of the King.” 

And you are worthy of healing, and being listened to and heard with compassion, empathy, kindness and grace. Your pain doesn’t have to keep ‘driving the bus’ and getting in the way of who you want to be.  

There is a better way and God invites you to bring your pain to Him. 

Through a Biblical framework, the use of a variety of Counseling theories and techniques, God’s word, prayer, and the healing work of the Holy Spirit, you can discover “Who You Are”, the person God intended you to be. And you can begin to walk in freedom on the path He has laid out for you. 

“God, I invite your searching gaze into my heart. Examine me through and through; find out everything that may be hidden within me. Put me to the test and sift through all my anxious cares.”. Psalm 139:23 TPT

Click below to get started and schedule your free 15-minute Pastoral Counsleing Consultation appointment.


Each Session is 50 minutes long

Single Session -$155


Change begins with one step. Identifying areas where you are stuck or long for growth and building tools to transform your life begins here.

Interested in booking multiple sessions at a discounted rate?


Commit to your healing and wellbeing.

Want to make sure Natty is a good fit for your healing journey?

Let’s start with a FREE 15-minute conversation to make sure we’re a good fit.


“Natty has equipped me with tools and practices that have helped me heal from the past wounds that kept me trapped in destructive thought patterns, coping mechanisms and addictions.”

— Peggy M.