Emotions & Feelings Word List

Practicing compassionate self-care is so important for our Emotional Health.

We are seeing a rise in people experiencing heightened emotions across the whole range of feelings. Things like: more irritability, higher sensitivity, shorter fuses, increased anxiety and depression, and less compassion toward others and toward ourselves.

Maybe you are feeling that way too.

Prioritizing our Emotional Health and practicing compassionate self-care can be beneficial both individually and collectively.

One BIG step is to build self-awareness around our emotions.

  1. Take a moment to check in with yourself.

  2. Place your hand over your heart and

  3. Take a deep breath in and out

Can you identify and name two emotions that you are feeling? Just notice what comes up, without judgment. Acknowledge those feelings with compassion.

Read through this list of emotions and feelings to help you practice identifying your emotions.


The Bummer Lamb